Tag: entertainment

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Whoopi Goldberg was FURIOUS upon discovering that her name was being exploited to promote a drug that is HARMFUL to people’s health. What happened?

Whoopi Goldberg Was FURIOUS Upon Discovering That Her Name Was Being Exploited to Promote a Harmful Drug. What Happened? Whoopi Goldberg Calls Out Fake...

Al Roker snaps at his co-host, demanding them to ‘stop immediately’ after being interrupted during a live broadcast!

Al Roker Snaps at His Co-Host, Demanding Them to ‘Stop Immediately’ After Being Interrupted During a Live Broadcast! Al Roker’s Live On-Air OutburstDuring a...

Jenna Bush Hager breaks down in tears live on air as Wynonna Judd shares a heartbreaking truth about her childhood.

Jenna Bush Hager Breaks Down in Tears Live on Air as Wynonna Judd Shares a Heartbreaking Truth About Her Childhood. Wynonna Judd Opens Up About...

Al Roker furious after discovering Katie Couric portrayed him as ‘villainous’ in her controversial memoir!

Al Roker Furious After Discovering Katie Couric Portrayed Him as ‘Villainous’ in Her Controversial Memoir! Al Roker's Reaction to Katie Couric's Portrayal of HimAl...

Al Roker and Deborah Roberts caught in a heated argument over a ‘bizarre’ reason during their morning coffee run!

Al Roker and Deborah Roberts Caught in a Heated Argument Over a ‘Bizarre’ Reason During Their Morning Coffee Run! What Sparked the Heated Argument Between...


