Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune suffers massive losses after the decision to change hosts—what’s behind the financial...

Wheel of Fortune has experienced significant financial losses following the controversial decision to change hosts. Fans have expressed their...

Maggie Sajak is expected to replace Vanna White and save Wheel of Fortune from the...

Maggie Sajak is expected to take over Vanna White’s role on Wheel of Fortune, bringing a fresh approach to...

Why are Wheel of Fortune ratings still rising despite Ryan Seacrest’s unpopularity among the show’s...

Despite Ryan Seacrest’s unpopularity among some Wheel of Fortune fans, the ratings for the show continue to rise. This...

The reason Ryan Seacrest considers staying “single for life”: His toxic relationship with his ex-girlfriend...

Ryan Seacrest has revealed that his toxic relationship with his ex-girlfriend shattered his trust, leading him to consider staying...

Vanna White’s son, Nikko Santo Pietro, rumored to be in a relationship with a famous...

Vanna White's son, Nikko Santo Pietro, has recently been linked to a famous actor, sparking rumors and excitement among...

Despite the controversies surrounding Ryan Seacrest’s position, Ryan wins the NYE ratings race, shocking fans—what’s...

Despite facing controversies over his role, Ryan Seacrest has triumphed in the NYE ratings race, leaving many fans surprised....

Vanna White tries to put out rumors of a fallout with Ryan Seacrest by posting...

In the latest social media post, Vanna White attempts to silence rumors of a fallout with Ryan Seacrest by...

Revealing the identity of Ryan Seacrest’s secret girlfriend: A relationship kept in the shadows for...

For 8 months, Ryan Seacrest kept his relationship with his secret girlfriend hidden from the spotlight. Now, the identity...

Wheel staff reveals Vanna White and Ryan Seacrest’s strained relationship could force her to end...

Tensions between Vanna White and Ryan Seacrest reportedly rise behind the scenes of Wheel of Fortune, sparking speculation that...

Ryan Seacrest faces public backlash and could lose his Wheel hosting position to cover up...

Ryan Seacrest is facing intense public backlash over his handling of a scandal involving Vanna White. Fans are outraged,...
